The South West Migrant Memorial is currently being installed in Queen’s Park in Bunbury, Western Australia. It will be officially opened and dedicated on Saturday 24th November 2018.

Its design is a modern interpretation of a tree combining a trunk, branches and cascading leaves.

The TRUNK  represents an integration of

  • The early settlers which had settled throughout the area
  • Nature with soils and climate that was vastly different to what they left behind in their home countries and had to be understood and worked with.
  • The migrants who came here with very little and made their mark through hard work and involvement in the community.

The BRANCHES are a symbol of what grew from the combinations that formed the trunk. They represent the descendants that have continued to contribute in all areas to help form the great society we now enjoy.

LEAVES represent new growth and continued prosperity. The realisation of the hopes and dreams that the migrants bought with them to the South West. Evident not only in the new and future generations, but also their legacy in the cultural and industrial development of the region.

The unique design promises to be a prominent reminder for visitors and residents of the district’s heritage, and serve as a place for meeting and contemplation.